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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Have a problem with r/streetwear? Be the change you want to see.

In light of the recent complaints, us as mods realize the rules aren't perfect. There will never be a set of rules or a team of moderators that will satisfy all the users on the sub, and it's extremely hard to get an unbiased view on what the majority demographic of the sub wants due to voluntary response bias.That being said, I've noticed that almost none of the people making the complaints have made any actual efforts to be part of the change they want to see. Do you feel like there's not enough content, or that you can't be motivated to post in the megathreads due to low visibility? Then start viewing and posting in the megathreads. Feel like there's not enough discussion content? Then put some effort into making a good discussion post others can build off of. Think there's something specific that would make the sub better? Then message a moderator with an improvement proposal and why you think it would work better than the current rules, instead of condemning this sub, the mods, and its users.The quality of the subreddit is based on the quality of the users. It's the nature of reddit in 2018 to reward consumable content, but remember that this is a community based discussion forum at its core, and its the community that's responsible for both content providing and viewership. Be the change you want to see. via /r/streetwear

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