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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Why clothes don't matter and how I learned to not take them so seriously.

So I'm going to be real. I am a 20 year old male and I am NOT ashamed of this story.Yesterday I went out to treat myself in the beautiful city of Philadelphia for a day of shopping as a reward for getting good grades this semester and also because I want to look good so females will will want to be within my physical vicinity and take photos with me for their social media profiles.I knew exactly what I wanted. All white adidas ultra boosts. I remember seeing Kanye rock them a while back and even though I look nothing like kanye (I am 5'7 and have red hair) the naive short term gratification part of my brain told me that I could pull them off. So I get off the subway at suburban station and tread through about a quarter mile of trash and pigeon carcasses (it's Philly) and reach the footlocker on 17th street. I told the sales associate what I wanted and she laughed and then told all her other coworkers who also laughed and pointed at me and then she went to the back and got the ultraboosts in my size. I'll admit, I was a little pissed off, but I wasn't going to let someone in an oversized striped polo ruin my day.So fast forward to that afternoon. I'm home and I get a text from this girl who I will refer to as Rachel. Rachel was the prettiest girl at my high school and we became close friends because I used to tutor her in math. (Side note. When I started tutoring her she bragged to all her friends about how she had got me to do all her homework for her so I taught her calculus wrong and she failed her midterm. But we're cool now). So she texted me saying she wanted me to come to this big party that night and I was very down and interested in possibly hooking up with her. So I take a shower and when I get back, I see my 2 year old chocolate lab straight up eating my ultraboosts. When I say "eating" I do not mean "chewing" I mean ripping off pieces of mesh and foam and swallowing that shit. So I take it away from her, but the damage was already done. The left one was ruined completely and the right ones mesh had holes in it. I'm not gonna lie I was so mad, like ready to throw this dog in a river and feel no remorse, but then I calmed down. It was just a pair of shoes. I love my dog. I didn't get mad, she didn't mean to ruin my dreams of being an instagram influencer.That night I went to the party and saw Rachel making out with a dude that has face tats. She broke my heart. I came home, chilled with my dog and we watched Gone Girl together and ate ice cream. I love my dog and I am glad I did not throw her in a river over something as petty as some mesh and foam that I wear on my feet to attract people of the opposite sex.Tl;dr: clothes are clothes. Family is everything. Don't be blinded by the attraction of girls that make out with dudes with face tats. via /r/streetwear

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