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Monday, December 31, 2018

[DISCUSSION] General Body Type Clothing Advice For Men

A short guide to non-specific body type descriptions for people trying to figure out what type of clothes will look good on their body type. The advice here is very broad and generalized, and everyone needs to go through periods of experimentation to find clothes that look good on them unless they have close to perfect body types for clothes, so don't take the advice too seriously.HeightGenerally, height matters a lot less than proportions, so the correlation of height to body weight, muscle mass, leg length, etc generally matters more than height as a metric in itself. That being said, being under a certain height as a guy will make you look extremely small if you wear certain types of clothing, so that needs to be taken into account. Generally, if you are below 5 6" and have a slim or skinny build, I'd advise against wearing a lot of super skinny or slim clothing because it will just make you look like more of a manlet. For people who are really tall (6 2" or above) and have a slim or skinny build, the goal is to not look lanky. Once again, one must be cautious of super skinny or slim clothing.Again, note that this is heavily reliant on proportions. If you are extremely close to ideal proportions, almost any clothes will look good on you.WeightRegardless of your body type in this regard, the first course of action one should take is to hit the gym, and eat healthy. Clothes can only make you look so good, and being fit/healthy with good posture will make you look way better than any clothes will. That being said, there is still general advice for different weights.Skinny: If you're skinny, there's a few things to be wary of. First is looking "small". Wearing clothes that are too tight to your frame, or drape in a way that outlines how skinny your body actually is (for example, I've seen really skinny people wear slim jeans which just look way too loose on them, making them look even skinnier and unkempt) needs to generally be avoided. The best way around this is to wear clothes with thicker or more structured fabrics, or cuts that don't stick too close to the skin. Another issue with looking skinny is looking too lanky. Many taller skinny people have really long limbs/necks and big feet, which generally gives the vibe of looking like a clown. The biggest thing to avoid here are flat shoes (for example low top converse) and tops that are too slim around the torso and waist (makes you look like a walking stick or L shape).Slim but fit: You got nothing to worry about if you're proportional. Most things will look good on you.Muscular: First thing you need to ask yourself is do you want your clothes to show off your gains or not. Generally, the biggest gripe I see muscular people have is how their pants fit on their legs, since their muscles make their pants bulge in weird areas. The general solution to this is to avoid skinny pants and wear more structured, looser pants. Look for carrot cuts or tapers if you still want a more fitted or sharper look. Another general issue is how skinny the waist is compared to how bulky the rest of the body is. Here, one should take into account how high the rise of their pants are, and the width of your tops, to avoid looking like a walking hourglass.Fat: Honestly, lose weight. It will always be worth your time. "fashion" has never been geared towards overweight people so it's definitely the toughest spot to be in. The advice for dressing should be similar to how skinny people should avoid looking small, however. Wear clothes with thicker or more structured fabrics, or cuts that don't stick too close to the skin. Darker colors will also make you appear thinner.ProportionsThe most important aspect to proportions is how long your legs are, and what kind of shape they are.If you have long legs, great! Generally most pants will look good on you, but you may want to avoid pants with too high of a rise if your legs are disproportionately long to the point of looking whack. If you have shorter legs, look for pants with higher rises, as it will make your waist look higher and your legs look longer.Straighter legs gives leeway to tighter clothes, while more bent legs means you need to look for clothes that don't hug your legs too tight. A lot of pants that cost more tend to accommodate this a lot better in my experience since they take human form more into account.Skin/Hair colorI'm not really an expert on this, but generally people with really dark skin or perfectly fair skin can wear most palettes and look good. If you have tints to your complexion (orange tones, pink tones, or green tones if you're unhealthy and sleep deprived like me) you need to play around with colors that look good on you, since there will most definitely be colors that look terrible on you.Hair can be dyed so it's not too huge of an issue, but once again, if your hair is extremely vibrant (a very yellow blond, ginger, etc), you will need to be a bit more careful in color choices, whereas people with more muted hair colors (black, platinum blond, browns, grays) have a little bit more leeway.The important thing here is to just be aware that colors that look good on someone else will not always look good on you, and that some experimentation is needed since each individual is different. via /r/streetwear

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