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Friday, April 29, 2016

A short story about my drawings, getting picked up to design for I Love Ugly and why you should constantly be posting your artwork on social media.

Hey guys,As you know, I've been posting here on the streetwear subreddit for quite some time, not necessarily promoting my artwork but more about getting feedback as a young artist in the hectic industry of streetwear. I've been drawing since I was a kid, always taping pieces of paper to my little portable TV and tracing Dragon Ball Z scenes. I'd also print images of Goku or Piccolo, tape it to my backyard sliding door with a blank piece of paper on top, and trace it. My parents actually made me stop drawing for a while because my neck started to hurt. As I got a little older, I picked up a skateboard and basically forgot about drawing. Two years ago I finally picked up the pen again after tearing my ACL, and this is where I am now in terms of my progression in my artwork. Here's the first drawing I made almost two years ago after a seven year skateboarding hiatus: so you can tell I didn't really have a style and the drawing was really crude and not well thought out.I got a lot of positive feedback on that drawing and it really ignited my love for artwork all over again. I became obsessed with creating new ideas and bringing them to life on a piece of paper. Especially being a lot older now too, I felt like I had a lot more control over a pen and my thoughts, unlike the ten year old me. I tried to get myself out there as much as I could, I did a few designs for Shane Auckland and his brand sk8rats, (he's Cory Kennedy's long-time friend and filmer from Washington). That was pretty much the first collaboration I did, and it really meant a lot to me even though I wasn't get paid. It felt good knowing that someone appreciated my artwork enough to want it on their clothing. Things from there went pretty fast, I gained a lot of traction on Instagram, I got called out by famous tattoo artists for using their work (I can get into that in the comments if you guys would like), I got a shoutout from Thrasher for my art, started working for some small brands and getting paid from commissions, and the best part was the love I got on this subreddit here: were going great, but for me it really was not enough. I would constantly email companies, and constantly get rejected. I'm talking every single company I've ever loved ignored me, and the one that hurt the most was Baker skateboards. I've been riding their boards since I was a little kid, and to have Andrew Reynolds, my favorite skateboarder of all time, ignore my DM's after reading them, really hurt. I felt like a nuisance, and I can't hold any personal grudges because it's all business. I hit this point where I really stopped drawing for a while and decided to focus on school. I stopped doing commissions, I stopped posting. I was over it. This lasted for about four months, a time where I lost all of my confidence and felt like I should just draw as a hobby, if anything. It really hurt, I won't lie. BUT, this is the opposite of what I should have done. I should have used all of those ignored emails as fuel to my fire and kept working hard towards my goals.About two weeks ago, I clicked on my notifications section on Instagram and then pressed my home button, and I thought to myself "Did I just see iloveugly on my notifications or am I just seeing things?" And sure enough, they followed me. Followed by an email from one of the founders, Valentin asking if I would be interested in working with them. I can't tell you how amazing that felt, and it was all thanks to the subreddit here, which is where they found me. They're very professional and respect my art, and it really helped me get my confidence back. I've been drawing like a madman all over again, and I'm sure it was all because of that post I made on here about seven months ago.MY MESSAGE TO YOU: This is going to sound so cliché but you should never, ever give up on what you're working towards. When it comes to artwork, we all have different brains. We have different ways of viewing and interpreting images, and I think a lot of people don't seem to realize that. You have a goldmine in your brain, each and every one of you. For example, this guys artwork isn't the best but it's hilarious, and a lot of people love it: What's to stop you from trying something out, even if it isn't the best drawn piece of art? Who cares? You should still try it. We're influenced and molded by different parts of our environment, and each and every one of us are unique. Post your art, who cares if it gets 10 upvotes or 1,000? It doesn't matter, you're getting yourself out there and you never know who will approach you. And that's my main point. You'll never know who appreciates your work if you don't post it. So please, post. Post your heart out. There are a lot of mean people on here, of course, it happens. I've had people go on my Instagram and call me a terrorist and to go back to my country, or that my artwork is shit and I'll never go anywhere. Don't even listen to them, they're projecting their insecurities on you. Do everything that you can to get out there for yourselves, social media is such a powerful tool.Again, I really appreciate all the love. If you guys want to ask me any question I'd be more than happy to respond. Much love. via /r/streetwear

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