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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Fit Battle SS17 Finals Results + User Input

Over the last five months 152 users have submitted entries for the SS17 Fit Battle. We are now down to the final two users. /u/CJLeaf and /u/notjaron, who deserve a special congratulations for participating in all eight rounds.Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the management of this contest and to the users for submitting.The SS17 Fit Battle winner is:/u/CJLeaf by 6 votes (51.7% of the vote)As for granting a custom flair to the winner, /u/CJLeaf can submit his image to the mods via modmail. Or just do it himself.User Input & Future Fit BattlesTo hold us over until the FW17 Fit Battle we would like to hold a themed fit battle in the interim. Current ideas for the theme include avant garde, innovation, techwear, and more which can be found in the survey below.We're using this themed fit battle to test a couple new changes to the seasonal ones.First off to signup a user will be required to submit a fit. That fit will then be judged by moderators as fitting into the theme and if so that user will be entered into the fit battle.Limiting the competition to 8 or 16 of the highest quality entries could keep a higher level of quality throughout.And a schedule will be made before the fit battle begins so that users will know their timeframe for submitting the fit beforehand.Please fill out this survey so that we can get feedback on these ideas and decide on the theme for the next fit battleOnce again, thanks to all the users who have participated in the SS17 Fit Battle. via /r/streetwear

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