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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

/r/Streetwear is frequently accused of being late on trends. What other fashion communities do you visit?

There's The Basement, a predominantly UK-based Facebook group that, last I heard, was invite-only. Good for the variable selection of fits and trading section though I have heard that the discussion isn't that great and the trades are very hit-or-miss. Often, half of their fits posted in the Best-Of round-ups on this sub seem to be "make each article of clothing a hype piece." Haven't seen any round-ups on here in the past couple of weeks, unless I missed them./fa is another popular one, mimicking /r/malefashion more than anything. Still a decent source, if you can look past the often shitshow of a comments section.The SuperFuture board is the last one that I am aware of. For a while it seemed they were on-top of trends, though it doesn't seem like people post on the forums too often anymore unless I'm simply looking in the wrong boards.Where else do you visit? via /r/streetwear

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