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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

[DISCUSSION] Guy bashed for his Gucci

Hey guys, this just happened last night around midnight.I've been a lurker for a while and I'm fairly new to reddit, just made an account a while ago. I work as a paramedic in Australia. It's my 2nd year as a paramedic, I only finished EMT training 2 years ago. Today, at my 12 hour night shift (20:00-6:00), I got a message on my CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) to attend to a 'brawl'that had broken out outside a bar.There were 4 people directly involved in the fight, who carried some minor injuries. When my team and I got there, the fight had broken out into the street, and it looked like a 2v2 from my perspective. It was soon ended with a guy wearing a full designer outfit on the ground, along with his mate struggling to stand up. They all were quite bruised and battered up, and the cops still hadn't arrived. One of the guys took a Gucci GG hat and the victim's Gucci Aces (I'm not too good with shoes but it was the gucci shoe with a bee on it) and the shoe had a little bit of blood on it. The hat had surprisedly had not fallen off during the fight and the thief ended up making a run for it. The thief who ran away was bleeding on his forehead and although it didn't look too bad, he definitely needed medical assistance. The people involved with the fight refused to co-operate with police and help them figure out what happened, and the guy in the designer outfit had to stay the night in hospital with a fractured finger and a ligament torn in his foot. The guy who stole his hat and his friend haven't been caught yet as of my knowledge and I am not able to update this as I am just a paramedic. I'm surprised what people will do for a piece of designer. I'm sure a little more was involved than the victim's clothing, but this is very sickening. Although I wasn't directly involved with this, I feel like I had to get it off my chest.Here's the stuff that was stolen from him: A guy got bashed for his Gucci and ended up staying the night in the hospital via /r/streetwear

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