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Sunday, February 18, 2018

[DISCUSSION] Regarding your individual tastes

Expressing yourself visually is a staple of fashion. There are plenty of different influences that impact your style of dressing. There are also many different categories and styles that fall under streetwear. With the variety of fits and interests in different styles of fashion, I’m intrigued to hear about everyone’s individual experiences with their interest in fashion and find out what influences you to dress how you dress. Many people here give the advice, “dress what you like.” It may be an interesting topic to see where individuals are pulling inspiration from.1) How did you get into fashion/streetwear? Where did you start and what peaked an interest?2) What is the best description of your current style and what influences that style (eg your background, your personality, your environment, your friends, the flex, etc)?3) How long do you think you will dress in this way, and what do you think may affect your future style?Thanks for the responses. via /r/streetwear

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