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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Official Melbourne Meetup (Australia) - Friday July 8

This is a moderator backed /r/streetwear meetup for Melbourne, Australia. Main organization will be by /u/aliencomingin.Here's the deal - there will be another post closer to the date with the official details. Until then, there is a chatroom on kik (because who doesn't have kik) which you can join if you wish - send /u/aliencomingin a message.Location and time are TBA. Photography will be provided but feel free to bring cameras along.We as moderators cannot guarantee safety, or security and as such would ask that it is limited to mature age users only - if you are unsure about this please message me. That isn't to say you can't come if you're young, but you (and your parents) need to understand that you are meeting a bunch of strangers off the internet while wearing expensive clothes. Feel free to bring parents along. It would be terrible if a 12 year old rocked up and someone decided to take advantage, we want to prevent this as well as we can.This is an inclusive event - you don't need to be flexing $20,000 worth of clothes, wear whatever you think you look best in.Anyone with ideas for location or other please leave a comment - I've already got some ideas as far as good places photography wise but suggestions are always welcome! via /r/streetwear

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