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Sunday, January 6, 2019

[DISCUSSION] Elitism and hating on brands

I see a lot of people hating on certain brands simply because of bad associations they have with the people who wear it and not how their clothes actually look. Ellesse for example make a lot of items that look good, but because apparently lads like to wear this brand they're absolutely trash. I feel like a lot of you are buying purely based on what will project a certain social status, which is elitist nonsense.We should buy based on what we find aesthetically pleasing and the quality, not to fit into some elite rules about which brands are 'allowed'. This elitism is the problem with streetwear communities. Fashion should be about expressing yourself, not conforming.If you don't want to look like a chav or a lad or whatever, just don't wear every single heavily branded piece at the same time and behave in a scummy way. You don't have to completely avoid a certain brand or hate on brands (and the people who wear them) as if those brands are objectively worse than what you like to wear. Thank you via /r/streetwear

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