Friday, May 25, 2018

[DISCUSSION] haven't experienced winter in ages, pls help

moving to the netherlands in late summer. only have 2 old sweaters and an old barbour gladwell with a few rips and tears that's one size too big that i'll try to get rid of. i'm tempted to try and shrink it by throwing it in a pillow case and into the tumble dryer.but anyway, other than that, i've no other jackets. i've always wanted a leather jacket and have been eyeing the avery by deadwood and goosecraft's biker jacket. i really like wearing big scarves that are more girly, so i feel like bomber jackets are totally out. i'm looking into peacoats and overcoats, but not sure which brands to look into. i'm also tempted to get a barbour international that has a lining, like Duke.i'll be in london for a few days in august, so i'm open to suggestions on thrift shops i could check there. i'm hoping all saints has a sale cos their jackets are hella cool, love that denim ones with "textured" collars.but i can only afford to get 2 jackets/coats, unless i adjust my budget. i guess i don't really know what to choose, but i want sth that sorta "pops". so, not a generic navy peacoat. i'm not sure which brands to look at. any suggestions?my budget for the main winter coat is about 250 euros and about 100 euros for the lighter jacket (i.e, denim jacket for e.g).in terms of shoes, i've a pair of black suede derbies and a pair of van's that've been destroyed. want to replace the van's with a pair of nike SBs. meermin and story et fall look nice, but since i'm already spending a lot on shoes, i'm looking at clark's mainly. my school will have a few more formal events so i'd need to be suiting up. i'm not sure if i should get cropped jodhpurs or chelseas, and what colour to get and if i should get suede or leather. i want sth i could wear with black, distressed blue jeans and chinos. atm, i feel like grey suede or brown are my best bets, seeing as i already own black suede you can see, i'm kinda minimal and am looking for items that are more versatile. these are the best i could come up with after hours of obsessive searching, but i'm only just getting into streetwear, so that's why i'm asking over here.cheers via /r/streetwear

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