Sunday, April 29, 2018

[DISCUSSION] Streetwear type clothing for introverted vs extroverted people?

I'm currently getting this vibe that most streetwear styles is for "life of the party" extroverted people, and I'm the complete opposite.I'm more of the type who would rather sit home alone or in a library or museum than be in a night club full of people. Anyway, this got me thinking that loose/baggy clothing, long shirts, hoodies, bomber jackets, loud colours, track pants and runners give off a more "extroverted", outgoing, super casual, "hip hop" vibe, and that trench coats, simple nice fit clothing, normal sized, simple coloured, etc are for a more "relaxed", reserved, cold, clean, "upper class" and more formal-like feel.I really like the bomber jackets and the track pants and runners, but not a fan of the long t shirts or the pants that end below the knee. I'm not sure if it will be weird if I wore a bomber jacket which may signal an energetic and outgoing personality, and I think it would be weird seeing a "loner" type personality with little social energy wearing something like that. There would be some sort of cognitive dissonance that others would feel because what I wear doesn't match up to my personality. So thus I don't see myself fitting "completely" in the extroverted side of the spectrum.On the other hand, trench coats, boots, and simple looking clothes are either too boring for me, or aren't as comfortable, or are too "clean" for my look and personality. I am a less social person, but these again don't fit my personality.How do I go about picking which one I like? How do I build a style for my personality given that there is obvious conflict in what I want to wear and what I should be wearing (what fits my personality)? via /r/streetwear

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