Sunday, April 22, 2018

[DISCUSSION] How is Instagram Affecting Streetwear and Hyped Trends??

Hey Guys,So recently on YouTube I’ve seen a lot of content regarding the rubbish content appearing on their explore page. As my Instagram is 90% following and engaging in pages regarding either streetwear, fashion and sneakers I wanted to have a look at what type of content Instagram is pushing to me to view.And well it wasn’t good, and if your account is similar to mine I think you’d understand what I’m talking about.So Ive spent about 4 or so month trying to figure out how the Instagram algorithm works by watching videos and reading articles and looking at engagement groups and hashtags ect, trying to grow my own account. I have also spoken to people who are in the streetwear scene also trying to grow their account or their new streetwear brands account with no luck.And I think that it is sad though because their are a lot of great influencers and designers out there regarding streetwear posting real quality content frequently but it’s never reaching out to their intended audience as it is always over shadowed by these spam accounts who trick the algorithm.So basically I did an over look on these accounts and did a comparison to a user who I think has really great content, as I tried to pick apart why these accounts are getting so much promotion through Instagram. If you want to check it out here is the link to my channel, anyways, it’s not that I dislike Instagram, I actually really like it. Apart from YouTube and Reddit it is probably one of the better social media platforms out there especially for streetwear and fashion content. So for small designers and people looking and trying hard to grow their personal brand it’d be really nice to see their content featured rather than all these spam posts.This is just my 2 cents on the issue and I hope Instagram comes around and see how some people are abusing the current algorithm. Let me know what you think of the whole situation and is your explore page the same?? And/or are pages you follow getting pushed away due to the non-chronological order of instagram now days?? And how is this affecting streetwear??I feel all this constant push of clothing with high dollar signs next to them is really skewing with people in streetwear as some people now days will only want or hype over something because of its price tag and not what they’re actually getting for that price!Unfortunately my page is full of even more of these spam accounts after looking at them for my video lmaoAnyways thanks for reading this guys, let us know what you think or feel about the situation, and if you check my video and/or subscribe to my channel I really appreciate it!!Thanks guy,Peace,Joshua Daniher via /r/streetwear

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