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Monday, February 19, 2018

[DISCUSSION] Do you prefer feeling comfy or looking good?

Say that you have two fits. One is really comfortable but looks basically like pajamas. The other is uncomfortable & irritating, but looks like fire.What do you choose and why? Curious to hear everyone's opinions and reasons. Is there a gauge or balance in your everyday wardrobe?In the same vein, I have some items that I'd love to wear but just don't want to because the fit isn't right or the material is irritating… but I also have quite a few fits which are incredibly comfortable but look pretty ordinary or basic. Anyone of you have that same problem?Do you think that some brands veer toward one and not the other? Not saying all brands do this, but some really do care or prioritize one or the other that I’ve found. Wonder if it’s hard to find some common ground. via /r/streetwear

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