Sunday, September 25, 2016

PSA: What you're wearing is not a kimono

I've been seeing a lot of people calling the top part of a jinbei a kimono. The half sleeve long cardigan looking thing y'all are calling a kimono is not a kimono. I understand that even brands like ASOS and what not call it a kimono but that's just like, western fashion mismarketing their products. Kimonos are super formal and are worn at like weddings, festivals, and like, funerals. Jinbei on the other hand are super casual summer wear. This is what we all are wearing (I mean unless you're legit rocking an actual kimono in which case you've got me). To call a jinbei a kimono is the equivalent of me calling a sports coat a Tuxedo. They're just not the same thing. I'm not like persecuting anyone for this either, like, the two people who posted about their "kimonos" just didn't know any better. If anything I blame it on clothing companies for just calling their product the wrong thing. But I figured I'd make this post so more people are aware that what they're calling a kimono is really a jinbei. via /r/streetwear

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