Friday, July 29, 2016

i hate this sub sometimes

I've been lurking and casually posting for the past year or so, and I have to say, I can't stand like 90% of the people on this sub.First of all, it's filled with kids who dress like shit but think they're streetwear gods just because they browse this subreddit. I'm not saying that I dress well, but when your best fit is a loose tee from h&m and tapered pants with UB's you and your advice aren't anything special. Being on this sub doesn't suddenly mean you have a good sense of fashion.Second of all is a combination/dichotomy of trends on this sub the "wear what you like" mentality. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for wearing what you like. I don't dress to please other people either. But this sub propagates an idea of what looks good and bad, and just because there's a style or fit you like that looks good on someone else doesn't mean it will look good on you. I don't want to stop people from dressing the way they want, but you need to realize that streetwear is more than just finding clothes/styles that you like. It's about finding clothes that fit your personality. That's what it means to "wear what you like". It's not about seeing pictures of cropped pants and trying to pull it off just because other people look good in it and you think it's cool too.Third is this weird obsession about branding/hating on branding. The second someone wears supreme or ASSC they're a hypebeast and it's suddenly cool to hate on certain brands. At the same time, people jerk their tiny dicks off to CP's, rafs, or rick owens. Lastly, you have the people who only wear h&m, uniqlo, zara, and asos, who hate on everyone who wears expensive or branded clothes. Like cmon. Brands represent a culture, and if someone wants to embrace that culture, let them. Don't hate on people who wear a certain brand just because "The design is overdone and unoriginal" or "it's overpriced gildan" and at the same time, just because you have money for a pair of ricks doesn't mean you look good in them. Get over yourselves.Honestly, I used to really like this sub but now that the whole concept of streetwear is becoming more and more mainstream, the quality of this sub has gone to complete shit. Every week there are WDYWT's that I really love, and I'm glad that the upvotes reflect that this sub still knows what a good fit is. But at the same time, there are always a few fits circlejerked to the max, people complementing shitty fits just because it fits the current trend on this subreddit while hating on another just because a kid wore a supreme camp cap. The huge influx of people becoming interested in streetwear through this subreddit is actually destroying the whole concept of streetwear imo. Streetwear was always about finding a style that fit your personality, or one that represented a specific culture of boarding, nostalgia, or music. Streetwear should be a clothing genre that embodies a lifestyle. don't follow trends, set them. And stop jerking each other's dicks like 16 year olds.Honestly kind of miss when this sub used to be filled with people who inspired their own outfits like thisistheodore.tldr: this sub is filled with a bunch of 16 year olds who's idea of dressing "cool" is an evolved version of wearing quicksilver and hurley to school. get over yourselves. via /r/streetwear

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