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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Looking for Wiki/Sidebar contributors

We want our wiki and sidebar to be overhauled. Mostly the wiki but the sidebar can come later.What we're looking for right now is about 10 people to join me in a groupme chat. We'll have each person do a full write up for a specific wiki section, and then update the wiki.Areas we need redone, including what we need done:Streetwear blogs need to be completely redone. 2 people required: 1 to do blogs/tumblrs etc and 1 to do Instagrams. You MUST know a variety and range of whichever you choose to do, id say 10-20 instagrams would suffice and same for blogs assuming you can even find that many...Major streetwear brands - need to completely overhaul. Keep the old brand discussions and add the new ones run by /u/KidTheCarrot. Update the entire list of major brands. 2 people - just a tough job so 2 would be good.FAQ - we don't need a complete rehaul and I'll probably do some work on this but wouldn't mind some newer links and revised answers. 1 or 2 people.Redditor owned brands & stores - just want each section sorted alphabetically... 1 or 2 people.Online stores - probably getting scrapped unless someone wants to save it somehow...Streetwear guides - need a complete updated list of guides. Shit will be hard. Obviously don't need every guide but we want all of our top quality shit there... Probably 2 people or more.Obviously I will be helping everyone but at the same time why would anyone volunteer to do this?Put simply, I can't offer you shit except for a mention on the new list of wiki contributors, public thanks, and a custom text flair (picture flairs will be redone soon but don't hold your breath, papa rikka needs to sleep sometimes). As such I need to make it clear that this is volunteer work. All you get is a warm tingly feeling about doing something good and brownie points from mods so next time you post a fuckin h3h3 meme we might let it slide.If you would like to volunteer for one of these wiki sections please reply with which number section/s you would like to do, you can put down multiple and I'll just give you 1 bases on who wants what. Then I'll send out a Pm to everyone and get their groupme details.Thanks all <3 via /r/streetwear

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