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Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools - Vent your anger and get a mod reply

It seems some people are pissed off, and there are some claiming the mods don't care and aren't communicating with the community. Well, here's your chance to get your april fools questions and complaints out and most likely get a mod reply.FAQ - If you ask one of these questions without proper expansion or reason I will ban you for a week, seriouslyWhat about the people with important shit to post?2 of them messaged us, which was the correct course. 1 was approved within an hour and posted. 1 messaged us and the sub was reverted back to normal within 3 hours, however I did forget to message him to let him know, my mistake.This was so dumb and childish, the mods must be like 12!No, only 2 mods are below the age of 20 to my understanding. Don't try that.SO many shit posts and they all broke the rulesThe entire point was to shitpost for a day because we, as mods spend 364 days cleaning up your shit. Some of the content we posted was actual submitted content which we saved for future use.The mods were being dicks.Link me, I'll take a look. Context is everything and I will be keeping an eye out for abuse as I don't take that lightly.Why didn't you warn us?Where's the fun in thatIt was a day for the mods as the communities expense, why?I guess you could say it was but there are a few things to remember. We're volunteers, most of the time our job is cleaning up rule breaks. We wanted to have a fun way to let of steam and given how this community seems to love memes and jokes we thought it would be a bit of harmless fun. Additionally, nobody should be so dependent on the sub that 1 day should cause any effect although I do understand some frustration. If you had content you wanted to post because it was time sensitive that's fine - messaging us like some people did would have meant we could accommodate for you.So I do want to say to anyone who was legitimately affected by this april fools day, I am truly sorry. I don't think there will be that many people though.Rikka via /r/streetwear

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