Monday, March 28, 2016

[Social Media]Help me r/streetwear, you're my only hope!

First and foremost, mods, if this isn't allowed, please delete it!Yo, what's up r/streetwear fam! I'm taking a class entitled "Social Media in the Newsroom" and I had to take on a social persona to obtain more followers.We were given goals to obtain and I just can't get any followers on twitter! Instagram is east as fuck but Twitter is a bitch!I essential turned into a Kanye-loving, streetwear-wearing fuccboi and no one likes me as expected.I'm essentially asking, no, pleading y'all to follow me on Twitter so i don't get fucked over on my grade...If you wanna donate to the cause my Twitter/IG is: @steven_leonard2I WILL FOLLOW BACK I SWEAR TO YEEZUS!Like I said, if this isn't allowed, delete it, downvote it, whatever. But I need these followers! Pls fam. link to twitter! via /r/streetwear

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