Monday, March 28, 2016

Nobody buy from Khzari clothing

Yeah so I have followed these guys for a while on Instagram. I recently saw a post of theirs of Beiber wearing a hat, and it said "Bieber wearing our Trucker Cap, gets yours here".I immediately knew that was false, because I reverse searced the image and it only came up with a few pictures, and I had wanted the hat he had been wearing for a while. I learned it was a hat by James Perse, which looks similar but was way more expensive than Khzari's hat.Anyway, they were lying so I commented "you sure that's not James Perse?" and they deleted it immediately. I forgot about it until today I remembered, and went back and some guy was commenting about how he couldn't find the clothing on their webstie. I don't doubt they've done the lying thing before, I just didn't have the energy to check.So i commented again, in reply to that one guy, "you probably can't find it because it's not their company's clothing in the picture."They immediately blocked me. I would not trust them. I also took this straight from their site:"KHZARI was conceived to address the fashion worlds desire for Innovative, Quality Garments at Affordable prices. Our Mission is to provide our customers with exciting new designs, using varied materials to produce interesting garments, whilst always ensuring our customers receive the best possible service. "If their stuff is close enough in looks to pass off as a James Perse hat, and EVERY ONE of their hoodies are blank, normal colors and cuts... how is that innovative or varied materials or interesting garments?I don't know.. just a company should be honest and trustworthy, especially a small one like Khzari.Anyway, i would never buy from them, and I hope you guys don't either. via /r/streetwear

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